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One Stop Shop - Insurance

COVID-19 has been a major shock to economies the world over. Canada is no different. A major component of that shock has been centered around how businesses react to and manage risk – which means that insurance changes and solutions will loom large now and in the near future. Businesses emerging from the effects of COVID-19 may have far different insurance needs than before the pandemic hit. Your options around insurance products, costs, benefits and providers are an important part of your recovery.

Insurance Information and Solutions

Click here to speak with one of our volunteers who will discuss important developments in the insurance industry, such as:

  • Coverage for business: How these are changing as a result of COVID-19
  • Costs for insurance, and how to manage them
  • Products avaialble to your business: Do you have what you need?
  • Matching your business' changes with the right insurance solutions for now and in the future
Insurance is a necessary part of every business, but can be a complicated area. You should have timely, detailed information available to you as you recover from COVID-19.

The Lethbridge Region Economic Recovery Task Force has partnered with a number of leading professionals and resources in our community to provide you with information and advice on insurance needs, news and solutions. Click or call today to schedule a time to discuss via telephone or videoconference, or to meet with someone in our Physical Support Centre.*
* Availability of the Physical Support Centre will depend on Alberta’s progress on relaxing mitigation and social distancing measures, and will be updated here as further information becomes available.