Trevor Lewington
CEO, Economic Development Lethbridge
Together with a 31-member volunteer Board of Directors, Trevor is proud to work with a talented team that develops and delivers on initiatives to promote Lethbridge as an excellent place to live, work, visit, invest and do business. With 15+ years of executive leadership experience in the food processing industry, in addition to many years living the trials and tribulations of a small business owner combined with additional roles in the public sector, Trevor strives to provide a broad-based perspective and collaborative approach which will enhance initiatives that drive continued economic growth in southern Alberta. Trevor holds a Bachelor of Commerce with a major in Human Resource Management, completed a Change Leadership Certificate with Cornell University and is a Chartered Professional in Human Resources (CPHR). He also holds a Senior Certified Professional credential from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM-SCP). Trevor is also a Certified Logistics Professional (CCLP) through the Canadian Institute of Traffic and Transportation. Trevor is engaged and involved in his community and serves as the Mayor in the Village of Stirling where he resides. Trevor is on the Advisory Board of the Dhillon School of Business at the University of Lethbridge. Trevor is also an active member of the Board of Directors for the Plant Protein Alliance of Alberta, Economic Developers Alberta, and Economic Developers Association of Canada.