Team Lethbridge is a group of community leaders interested in raising awareness of how the city of Lethbridge contributes to the province and how we can work with our government representatives to support long-term success for Alberta.
As individual organizations and as a group, we believe Lethbridge has a lot to offer the province, the country and the world. Our vision and commitment is to foster a community, province and nation that is not only ready to seize the opportunities of today but also the possibilities of tomorrow.
Visits to Edmonton in October 2008, November 2010, October 2012, November 2015, November 2017, November 2019 and December 2022 were a success in terms of building relationships and understanding. For more information about the organizations representing Team Lethbridge, or to contact any participating organization, follow the links below:

Alberta Health Services (AHS) vision is Healthy Albertans. Healthy Communities. Together. AHS provides a patient-focused, quality health system that is accessible and sustainable for all Albertans. AHS works to ensure that Albertans are getting the right care, in the right place at the right time, no matter where they live in the province; to simplify the health system by looking at care delivery through the eyes of Albertans and their families; to make the system more efficient through local and site-based decision-making while reducing redundancy.
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The Allied Arts Council (AAC) is a not-for-profit umbrella organization established in 1958 with a mission to advance and enhance the arts in Lethbridge. The arts are also recognized as drivers of a diversified economy, help to attract individuals and businesses to Lethbridge, are instrumental in placemaking and creating quality-built environments, and contribute to the health and well-being of individuals and the community. The AAC has a mandate to foster the arts environment in the community through arts promotion, coordination, facilitation, advocacy, and community engagement and work to create a strong arts ecosystem in Lethbridge through its provision of opportunities for citizens to engage in arts activities, initiatives and events, as well as by providing support to the artists who choose to make Lethbridge their home.
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The Building Industry & Land Development Association – Lethbridge Region (BILD-LR) is a non-profit organization that serves nearly 3,000 individuals through members including home builders, land developers, suppliers and trades and services professionals. The BILD-LR advocates on issues that matter to the residential construction industry. Acting as a central point for information, education and business development. BILD-LR believes that home ownership should be achievable and available and that consumers should have the right to a wide range of housing solutions that meet their needs and wants. Although 2021 was a strong year for housing starts, headwinds remain that will continue to put pressure on affordability and supply. Housing affordability is critical to the province’s ongoing success and is a key driver in economic development. BILD LR is committed to working with government and political leaders to make decisions that protect this Alberta advantage.
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The City of Lethbridge is the Gateway to Opportunity. With a strong, stable and diverse economy, we lean into our traditional strengths like agriculture, food processing, construction and manufacturing. But we’re not content to rely on what we’ve always done. We’re also growing innovative, knowledge-based industries by partnering with our two award-winning post-secondary institutions and developing regional collaborations. Our warm, sunny, southern climate and stunning big-sky scenery might be the first thing to attract new residents, businesses and students to Lethbridge but it’s the cultural diversity, thriving arts scene, amazing recreation facilities and the most maintained park space in Canada that makes them want to stay. To know Lethbridge is to know that it is engaging and thoughtful, thinks before acting, and then acts with grit, grace and determination. We think Lethbridge is the blueprint for success, the solution that integrates community strength, strong roots, ingenuity, opportunity and partnerships—built to serve and grow an evolving region. Investing in Lethbridge strengthens not just our city but all of southern Alberta.
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The Downtown Lethbridge Business Revitalization Zone (BRZ), established in 1987, is a visionary collective of business leaders who believe that the heart of the city beats in its centre core. As a non-profit association, the BRZ is funded by the 530+ businesses it represents through a tax levy. BRZ has succeeded through close cooperation on mutual interests in adding the necessary vibrancy to make that heart beat with a strong and steady pulse. Downtown Lethbridge is an ideal business environment in a premium centralized location, with a unique mix of retailers, restaurants, coffee shops and professional services. Through marketing, promoting and advocacy, downtown Lethbridge has regained economic and social prominence and helps highlight unique areas of interest and attraction. Notable on this list is the recently completed, and provincially funded Festival Square, now a prime and preferred destination for many and varied community events. The BRZ also provides advocacy on important issues affecting Lethbridge’s downtown core, and to this end, and in partnership with the City of Lethbridge, administrates an effective Clean Sweep Program (CSP). The CSP provides barrier free employment for vulnerable persons and maintains a clean, safe and vibrant urban core.
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Economic Development Lethbridge (EDL) strengthens and diversifies the Lethbridge economy by initiating and facilitating proactive economic development strategies and promoting Lethbridge as an excellent place to live, learn, invest, visit and do business. EDL’s key partnerships, collaborative relationships, and dynamic initiatives – including Team Lethbridge – have helped the city play a vital role in contributing to the local, provincial and national economies. EDL’s 31-member Board of Directors are drawn from a diverse cross section of the community to best accomplish the mandate and objectives of the organization. With local and regional Board members representing government, business, arts & culture as well as non-profit we are ensuring an inclusive direction that contributes towards building a vibrant, sustainable future. As stewards of the economic strategy for Lethbridge, EDL serves as the support system, the community collaborator and a proactive advocate for the future evolution, growth and prosperity of Lethbridge; primarily as a destination for enterprise, but also as a place for residents to live and work with a great sense of wellbeing. With the support of our Board, we work together to build a bright future. In 2021 through investment attraction and business retention initiative’s, EDL delivered a total economic impact of $361MM and 155 new jobs in the city of Lethbridge and region. As a municipally funded organization, EDL returns $475 dollars for every $1 of funding they receive from the City of Lethbridge.
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Holy Spirit Roman Catholic School Division is a growing “rurban” division that serves the educational needs of over 5,000 children in 16 schools across Lethbridge and five rural communities. Holy Spirit is a Catholic Faith Community dedicated to providing each student entrusted to its care with an education rooted in the Good News of Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit Catholic School Division staff strongly believe in using multiple pathways of success to prepare our students for an ever-changing world in which they can communicate effectively, collaborate with others, engage in high levels of critical thinking, and help solve the many problems of this world with creativity and resourcefulness. Publicly funded Catholic education strengthens Alberta’s internationally recognized education system and is a key component of parental choice. Lifelong learning begins early and is vital for the future success of all students. An investment in early learning is an investment in life.
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The Lethbridge and District Association of REALTORS® (LDAR) is a member service, not-for-profit organization that supports 300 local REALTORS®, Brokers, Associate Brokers and Associates, covering a 150 km radius. LDAR supports and engages REALTORS® in Lethbridge and District, utilizing our MLS® system and relevant technologies, while advancing professionalism. LDAR makes a huge impact in our community. Nearly $52,000 of economic spin is generated with every real estate sale in our community. LDAR subscribes to five Quality of Life principles: ensuring economic vitality; providing housing opportunities, preserving our environment, protecting property owners’ rights, and building better communities. LDAR advocates for increased consumer protection, security in transactions and housing affordability by supporting fee removal for electronic copies of condo documents and setting appropriate maximum fees. Encouraging enhancements to the Alberta Land Titles Registry System and opposing the implementation of land transfer taxes provincially and in Alberta municipalities, which can lead to barriers to home ownership and increased job loss as a result of fewer property transactions.
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The Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce has an important and powerful role as the voice of the business community, representing over 775 business members in the Lethbridge area. We serve as a Catalyst for business growth, a Convener for leaders of influence, and Champion for a strong community to enhance a healthy economic and social environment in our region. The Chamber believes that business expansion and job growth are critical components for a vibrant community, and that government should invest in economic development in Lethbridge that results in jobs and investment. With a strong alignment between education and workforce development the Chamber supports sustained funding and programming for Lethbridge College and the University of Lethbridge to continue quality workforce training that aligns with business and industry needs. The Chamber also subscribes to the belief that working with local businesses, government and other partners to advance policies and cooperative efforts will sustain and build local prosperity.
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The Lethbridge Construction Association (LCA) membership consists of over 207 general contractors, trade contractors, suppliers and manufacturers in commercial, industrial and institutional construction in southwest Alberta. Established in 1954, the LCA provides advocacy, education, resources and safety training to members, access to commercial tender opportunities through the BuildWorks Canada online plansroom (procurement), apprentice scholarships, community collaboration, networking opportunities and special events. Moreover, the LCA plays a critical role in liaising with the Alberta Construction Association (ACA) and the Canadian construction Association (CCA), advocating for improvements for the construction industry. The Commercial construction industry was fortunately to remain open and work throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, however substantial global supply chain issues, shortage of skilled workers and a large number of experienced, skilled workers retiring from the industry over the past few years as had a significant impact on our ability to sustain the levels needed to maintain economic growth.
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Lethbridge County is home to one of the most productive agricultural communities in Canada. Agriculture is our strength, and the industry has provided economic stability to the region during challenging times. Our contribution to the economy is significant at over $2.2 billion annually through intensive livestock operations and crop production. Growth in agri-food processing provides an extra advantage, adding jobs and value to the region. Innovation has been a focus in recent years, with Council and administration seeking inventive solutions to challenges. Solving problems through regional collaboration has also been at the forefront of our strategic planning, allowing the County to work in partnership with our neighbours and stakeholders on solving mutual challenges for the benefit of all. Lethbridge County is committed to supporting the agricultural industry that contributes to our region, while working collaboratively with stakeholders to ensure a bright future for our community and the Lethbridge area.
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Lethbridge Family Services (LFS) is a highly accredited, charitable human, health, and social services organization that improves the well-being and quality of life for individuals and families in Southwestern Alberta. Founded in 1910, LFS employs 380+ staff, is Lethbridge’s 13th largest employer, and serves over 8,600 individuals and families annually. We direct our energies to support individuals and families in our core service areas: Immigrant Services, Home Services, DaCapo Disability Services and Counselling, Outreach and Education. Known for excellence in service delivery and administration, LFS has been at the forefront of settlement services for immigrants and refugees; community-based home health care – supporting 2,114 community members remain in their own homes for as long as possible through stages of illness and aging; a full range of psychological services including counselling, outreach and education; and a broad continuum of services for people with disabilities. These essential services strengthen the communities LFS serves, and the individuals and families within them. We are committed to Inter-agency cooperation as a means of efficiently utilizing resources within the community.
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At Lethbridge College, they are ready. They know something about making a mark, about digging deep and rising up. They know success does not happen by chance, but takes perseverance, determination and grit. They know their job is to make sure students are ready for theirs. And they know that what happens next matters most. Lethbridge College opened their doors in 1957 as Canada’s first publicly funded community college. Enrolling just 38 students that first year, the college now welcomes more than 6,500 students and apprentices enrolled in more than 50 career-training certificate, diploma, apprenticeship and applied degree programs. Our nationally recognized and nationally accredited programs are taught by instructors with proven careers in the fields they teach. Lethbridge College continues to be relevant and sustainable in a changing environment with program areas ranging from agricultural, environmental and justice studies to business, culinary and engineering technology to health and human services, design and the trades. The college provides high quality education through excellence in teaching and learning, applied research, strategic enrolment management and collaborative partnerships.
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Lethbridge School Division serves more than 12,000 students from early education programs to grade twelve. The staff of approximately 1,200 provide high quality learning experiences for students through a broad range of educational programs in twenty-four schools and four institutional programs. Division priorities include Achievement, Inclusion, and Innovation. The Board believes in public assurance, community collaboration and is guided by input through an annual Town Hall gathering, feedback loops, and School Council meetings. Lethbridge is a growing and vibrant community. Lethbridge School Division recently opened a new elementary school on the south side in the fall of 2021 and is thrilled that an elementary school capital project on the west side of the city announced in the spring of 2021 is moving forward with construction. Meeting the academic and social/emotional needs of students after a few challenging years of COVID will continue to be a priority this year. Lethbridge School Division is moving forward with structures and initiatives that support flexibility, innovation, and critical thinking. The division supports implementation of an inclusive, student-centred curriculum with supporting technologies that combine to develop the competencies necessary for success and active engagement as citizens in the contemporary world. A strong education system contributes to the building of a strong, diversified economy.
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Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization (LSCO) is a multi-service, not-profit charity, which has been in operation for 40 years and strives to encourage an active, healthy community that is learning, growing and making a difference. LSCO’s 1800+ members participate in over 75 activities and wellness programs that enhance their ability to participate in the community, developing skills and reducing isolation. LSCO provides guidance, direction and support to seniors in our community to enhance their ability to cope with life’s challenges and maintain independence as well as to prolong their lives. A strong senior’s community is built through community involvement through participation on local, regional and provincial organizations to proactively addressing vital issues such as elder abuse, seniors housing opportunities, fair taxation, adequate health services and affordable, accessible in-home and community supports.
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Lethbridge Sport Council is a not-profit organization supported by the City of Lethbridge, governed by a 15-member volunteer Board of Directors and managed by three full-time staff dedicated to support the enhancement and development of sport, sport organizations, and sport facilities in Lethbridge, fostering inclusive and quality sport experiences for all. Lethbridge Sport Council strives to provide a local voice for sport provincially and nationally. LSC assists sport organizations and individuals by linking them to and providing them with sport resources, education and development opportunities, support services and linkages to the community. The advancement of physical literacy through the development and utilization of active recreation and quality sport programs throughout a person’s lifespan is a key focus. Lethbridge Sport Council believes in a collaborative approach and embraces the importance of sport for social development.
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Tourism Lethbridge is the Destination Management Organization for Lethbridge. Tasked with growing the visitor economy, Tourism Lethbridge markets Lethbridge as a destination to international and Alberta markets by growing local and regional partnerships to make that happen. Tourism Lethbridge works with Lethbridge stakeholders to enhance jobs, create employment opportunities, and market new products to support the local economy and quality of life of Lethbridge residents. Tourism Lethbridge is made up of a board of volunteers that come from a variety of tourism stakeholders. Together, these directors work with the Chief Executive Officer to foster an atmosphere of collaboration and education around the tourism industry in Lethbridge. Tourism Lethbridge was approved by the Lethbridge City Council in May 2017 and is mandated to provide direction and proactive leadership that promotes, and fosters growth related to the visitor experience in Lethbridge. The organization encourages residents, businesses, and community groups to become involved in development and collaboration of the Lethbridge destination experience.
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The University of Lethbridge is one of Canada’s top-ranked universities and leading research institutions. As Alberta’s Destination University, the U of L attracts approximately 8,700 undergraduate and graduate students from around the world to our campuses in Lethbridge and Calgary each year. With more than 150 undergraduate and 60 graduate programs in seven Faculties and schools, the U of L is designated as a comprehensive research university by the Province of Alberta and conducts leading research in areas critical to the success of our province. Home to leading research centres and institutes, U of L researchers are responding to emerging economic and societal needs, which plays a major role in driving the southern Alberta economy and elevating quality-of-life for the regional population. The University’s world-class faculty also make key contributions to national and international research interests. The University of Lethbridge recently opened the most modern and innovative science building in Canada. This new infrastructure, coupled with the world-class research undertaken by U of L faculty, attracts top students and researchers from across the globe. The new building also has dedicated space to bring together industry, business and U of L researchers, which will further the success we have already built to help diversify and grow southern Alberta’s economy.
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Volunteer Lethbridge (VL) connects and convenes passionate individuals and organizations to achieve shared community goals. Our innovative Community Volunteer Management Model provides high-quality, accessible opportunities for pre-screened volunteers, enhancing organizational capacity by streamlining volunteer screening and onboarding. Through our growing network, VL leverages the collective voice of the sector to enact change and advocate for Southern Alberta. We are grateful for the support of the Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations (CCVO) and the Nonprofit Vote, which amplify Albertans’ voices and highlight the community impact and ROI of Alberta’s nonprofit sector. Joining us is the United Way of Lethbridge and Southwestern Alberta (UWSWA), envisioning communities where poverty is temporary, individuals lead healthy lives, and children reach their full potential. Both UWSWA and VL are certified members of the Alberta Living Wage Network. In 2023, an impressive 57% of Lethbridge residents engaged in formal or informal volunteering, contributing an average of 91 hours each. This effort translates to an estimated $134 million economic impact for Lethbridge
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